The Exciting Start of 2ND TRIMESTER
The start of second trimester is the beginning of many new developmental milestones of your baby. Read on and find out what to expect at week 13.
Incredible Feats at WEEK 14
Your baby is about the size of a lemon now! Have you felt your little one move yet? How about a kick? If not, you should be able to in the coming weeks! Read more about this exciting time.
What Happens at WEEK 15
Looks like everything is finally settling for your baby's sense of smell! Read on and find out what's bound to happen at week 15.
What's in Store for You and Baby at WEEK 16
If you could take a peek inside your womb right now, you'd see a much-developed little baby, sucking on a thumb. Someone has finally managed to get to those tiny fingers!
More Developments at WEEK 17
Now that you're 17 weeks pregnant, the weight of that little one down there increased to around 150 g! Follow more of your child's fetal development here.
Take a Glimpse of What's Inside at WEEK 18
Your little one is developing by leaps and bounds! Read on to follow baby's milestones at week 18.
Amazing Achievements at 19 Weeks
The cute little lodger inside your womb is about 335 g heavy now-just about the weight of a grapefruit or suha! Read on to know more about the wonders of your pregnancy this week.
Pregnancy Wonders at WEEK 20
There's a lot of development going on for the life inside you this week! Read to find out what these exciting milestones are.
How to Work Things Around at WEEK 21
Your baby now weighs around 400 g and the taste buds are starting to find its rightful places! Read on to follow your baby's developmental milestones at week 21.
Follow Baby's Development at WEEK 22
Take a glimpse inside your womb and you'll see your tiny wonder sucking on a thumb! It's nature's way of getting your young one accustomed to breastfeeding early on.
Week 23
Your baby is now 29cm long from head to toe and weighs considerably over 550g. You have got around 16 more weeks to go! Read more about this week.
Can you feel the baby reacting to noises and your caresses yet? Towards the end of the second trimester is when that starts to happen, so be on the lookout. Read more about this week.
Two more weeks left of the second trimester. You are gearing up for the home stretch. Your baby's sense of touch is starting to blossom. Read more about how to help feed it.
Three-Ingredient Brownies Recipe
With this recipe from Mommy Erica, you can make delicious brownies even just using a toaster oven!
How to Enhance Your Child's Emotional Stability
Emotional Stability is vital for a child to succeed. Learn more about it through a family specialist.
What to Do When Your Toddler Kicks, Hits or Screams
It's common for toddlers to throw tantrums and be aggressive. But you can teach them to control their temper even at a young age. Read this article to find out how.
10 Fun Activities You Can Do While Staying Home
From exercising to baking to arts and crafts, we list 10 activities you can enjoy with items you already have at home.
What’s Your Parenting Style?
Each parent has their own approach to raising their family. With the help of lifestyle host and mom Issa Litton, read on to identify your parenting style.
How Do I Let My Child Stop Thumb Sucking?
Thumb sucking maybe cute at first, but as time goes by it can get kind of concerning. You just can’t help but think of the bacteria and virus that might enter your child’s mouth.
How to Build Your Child’s Confidence Without Bloating His Ego
As parents, how do we distinguish between building our child's self-confidence and overpraising? Learn what truly boosts a child's self-esteem below!
How to Deal with Your Child’s Anger
Here is advice on how to deal with your child’s anger
“Mommy, I have a headache!” Can children have migraines?
"Migraines have been reported in children as young as 18 months old.
These 8 Traditional Filipino Games Can Help Your Children be Physically Active
Encourage your kids to have fun exploring different classic Pinoy games
How to Build Your Child’s Attention Span
Nurture your child’s ability to concentrate from an early age—and give him the mental discipline to succeed in school and life
How Homeschooling Can Help to Better Nurture Gifted Children
Remember the 3 F’s: focus, flexibility, and freedom
A New (and Exhausted) Mom’s Guide to Surviving The First Month
Are you a first-time mom who is struggling to adjust to your new role and routine? Here are some tips on how to deal with new mom woes.
Sinanglay na Tilapia Recipe
This proud Bicolana teaches the authentic way of preparing Tilapia. Find out her recipe here!
Safe Pampering During Pregnancy
Carrying a human in her belly means a pregnant woman deserves every bit of happiness and pampering her partner can give her.
My Baby Hates Tummy Time. What Should I Do?
Every child's development occurs at its own pace, but while there's no hard and fast rule as to when they should achieve their growing-up milestones - tummy time is known to boost their gross motor
What’s the Big Deal About Water Birth Delivery?
Water births have benefits for both mother and baby, but should you consider this method of birthing? Our OB-GYN shares the facts to help mommies-to-be make an informed decision.
Meet the Brain Milks: PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold®
PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® belong to a family of winning milk formulas for gifted brain development.
Why The Right Milk Matters for Gifted Brain Development
The milk you choose is vital in stimulating and enhancing your gifted kid’s brain functions.