Preparing for your little one
Starting from conception, the first 1000 days is crucial for your baby’s development. Even while the baby is still inside your womb, your every step is already helping shape your little one’s future. Take time to learn how you can raise a healthy and happy child.
First trimester articles

Understanding Cravings or Paglilihi
Yesterday, I found myself finishing off our hazelnut spread in one sitting! Even though I knew I shouldn’t, it was too good to resist.
3 mins to read

WEEK 3: Your Pregnancy Journey Begins
The journey to motherhood is filled with incredible experiences - and they're just about to unfold for you.
3 mins to read

WEEK 4: Getting Ready for the Ride
Almost one month already! So many exciting things are happening inside you this week. Read on to find out what they are - and for a sneak peek into how your baby's doing.
3 mins to read

Exciting Developments at WEEK 5
Though only around the size of a pea, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds! Read on to know what new developments are in store for you and your baby this week.
3 mins to read

Growth Milestones of WEEK 6
Your baby's growth is in overdrive right about now. So many exciting developments for such a tiny little being! Read on to find out what the milestones are this week.
3 mins to read

What to Expect at WEEK 7
You're at week 7 of your pregnancy stages, and by this time, your baby is 15 mm long - roughly about the size of the local fruit aratilis.
3 mins to read

WEEK 8: Milestones to Celebrate
Your baby is now about the size of a jelly bean, and weighs about as much!
3 mins to read

How to Stay Healthy at WEEK 9
You're 9 weeks pregnant, and your baby is now about an inch long - the size of an olive or duhat. Read on for an inside look at all the excitement that's unfolding within.
3 mins to read
Second trimester articles

The Exciting Start of 2ND TRIMESTER
The start of second trimester is the beginning of many new developmental milestones of your baby. Read on and find out what to expect at week 13.
3 mins to read

Incredible Feats at WEEK 14
Your baby is about the size of a lemon now! Have you felt your little one move yet? How about a kick? If not, you should be able to in the coming weeks! Read more about this exciting time.
3 mins to read

What Happens at WEEK 15
Looks like everything is finally settling for your baby's sense of smell! Read on and find out what's bound to happen at week 15.
2 mins to read

What's in Store for You and Baby at WEEK 16
If you could take a peek inside your womb right now, you'd see a much-developed little baby, sucking on a thumb. Someone has finally managed to get to those tiny fingers!
3 mins to read

More Developments at WEEK 17
Now that you're 17 weeks pregnant, the weight of that little one down there increased to around 150 g! Follow more of your child's fetal development here.
2 mins to read

Take a Glimpse of What's Inside at WEEK 18
Your little one is developing by leaps and bounds! Read on to follow baby's milestones at week 18.
3 mins to read

Amazing Achievements at 19 Weeks
The cute little lodger inside your womb is about 335 g heavy now-just about the weight of a grapefruit or suha! Read on to know more about the wonders of your pregnancy this week.
3 mins to read

Pregnancy Wonders at WEEK 20
There's a lot of development going on for the life inside you this week! Read to find out what these exciting milestones are.
3 mins to read
Third trimester

Say hello to your 3rd Trimester at WEEK 27
Welcome to your third trimester! Just three months to go before you say hello to your little one. But before you do, there are still so many exciting developments to look forward to.
3 mins to read

Your baby and you at WEEK 28
Your precious darling now weighs about 1.2 kilos, about a third of the average birth weight.
3 mins to read

WEEK 29 is about to get exciting!
Just imagine, you'll be giving birth in about ten weeks! As you inch your way towards the finish line, your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds, maybe even fluttering the eyes open.
3 mins to read

It's WEEK 30! Here are the highlights
Every day, your baby develops more and more, getting ready to make a grand entrance into the world! Do you think you'll miss being pregnant?
3 mins to read

Getting ready at WEEK 31
As the big day approaches, your precious darling is starting to turn upside down, getting into the perfect position for birth. What a smart little baby!
3 mins to read

The many surprises of WEEK 32
Your little sweetheart is getting ready to meet you!
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How WEEK 33 changes you and your baby
In just six weeks, you'll finally be able to meet the tiny human being that's been growing inside you all this time. Amazing, isn't it?
3 mins to read

Slowing Down at Week 34
This week, all the action inside your belly starts slowing down a bit. That's because the sweet bun in your oven is close to being cooked!
3 mins to read
Pregnancy articles

How Eating Healthy Benefits Baby
When an expecting mom eats the right food for pregnant women, this lessens the risk of her child developing illnesses that could carry on into adulthood.
5 mins to read

Filipino Meal Plan Ideas for Pregnant Women
We live in a country with a strong belief on "paglilihi". Because of "paglilihi" some Filipino pregnant women think that it is okay to eat whatever they crave. But that is not the case.
4 mins to read

Your Baby In Your Tummy: A Month-by-Month Check
Welcome to the incredible journey called Pregnancy! This is an exciting time --- full of changes and anticipation.
4 mins to read

What Food To Avoid When Pregnant
Of all the stages in the human life cycle, a woman’s pregnancy is the most critical and unique. It is critical because during pregnancy, the foundations of a new life and future are being laid.
4 mins to read

Load Up On Good Carbs, Moms!
You can’t talk about food for pregnancy without mentioning carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, together with fats, are the main sources of energy for you and your baby.
3 mins to read

5 Principles For Eating Well During Pregnancy
The one time you need to get really serious in sticking to a balanced and varied diet is when you are pregnant. Do it for the baby in your tummy and for yourself, too.
4 mins to read

Fatty Acids: How Essential Are They To Your Pregnancy?
Essential fatty acids are as essential as the name suggests. They are a must during pregnancy, for both the baby and the mother-to-be.
2 mins to read

Folic Acid: A Pre-Pregnancy Must-have
Even when you’re just planning to get pregnant, there is one nutrient that is a big must for you to take or include in your daily diet --- folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9 or folate.
2 mins to read
Helpful tools
Pregnancy weekly Calendar
Enjoy this amazing journey to motherhood week by week on our pregnancy calendar. Find out what changes you can expect in your body, your emotions, your life and your little one.
Due Date Calculator
Our Due Date calculator is a fun tool you can use to roughly estimate your baby's arrival date.
Other Stages