Child Care
More often than not, raising a child is not only a learning experience for your child, but for you and your partner as well.
Featured articles

Don't Cough it Off: Pertussis 101 for Parents
By: Dr. Kristine Marie F. Gutierrez, MD (Allergist and Immunologist)
2 mins to read

Baby's Nutrition and Development from 6 Months
Reaching the six-month milestone marks a significant change in a baby's journey.
6 mins to read

Development of my baby month by month
A baby's development is an ongoing and exciting process.
5 mins to read

What is Baby Trying to Say?
Whether my baby is kicking his feet, smiling from ear to ear or crying at the top of his voice, he is obviously trying to tell me something… but what is it?
3 mins to read

The Secret Behind Baby's Toothy Smile
My baby is so masungit lately! Her mouth drools with laway and her cheeks have turned flushed and rosy. They say her baby teeth are coming out soon. Poor baby, she must be in terrible pain!
4 mins to read

Constipation in an infant: Ways to deal with constipation in children
Constipation is a common problem in infants that can cause discomfort and distress.
6 mins to read

How can I make sure my Baby Sleeps Well?
When will my baby sleep through the night? Is it normal for him to wriggle when sleeping? When he finally falls asleep, it's only for 3-4 hours.
5 mins to read

How to Build Up Baby's Immunity
Babies, unlike older kids, cannot tell us when they feel sick, except by crying or looking matamlay. How can I make my baby strong enough to fight germs or at least, protect her from getting
2 mins to read

A Close Look Into Your Baby’s Brain
It is unbelievable watching my baby learn new things! Each day brings new progress and fast learning. Mmm, perhaps an Einstein in the making, ‘di ba?
3 mins to read

The Proper Sleeping Positions for Baby | Baby Sleep | parenTeam
Much of your baby’s work during the first few months actually involves sleeping! Children can only develop optimally if they’re getting enough good sleep.
3 mins to read

Baby Care: Massage for Newborn Baby
Love indulging in a good massage? Your baby deserves the same treat!
3 mins to read

How to Bathe a Newborn Baby
There’s never a dull moment with your baby – even when it comes to cleansing!
6 mins to read
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