How to Stay Healthy at 9 Weeks Pregnant
You're 9 weeks pregnant, and your baby is now about an inch long - the size of an olive or duhat. Read on for an inside look at all the excitement that's unfolding within. Learn more about your baby's development at 9 weeks pregnant.
Your baby can now be measured in two ways during an ultrasound: From the top of the head to the tailbone, or from the top of the head to the heels. The eyes are covered by delicate eyelids, and the taste buds and various organs are starting to form.
In the cavity of the chest, there is now a diaphragm that separates the heart and lungs from the digestive tract. The heart is beating at its own beautiful pace – much faster than yours at a range of about 100 to 160 bpm (beats per minute). This may accelerate even more if your body produces adrenaline during stressful situations. So try to relax as much as possible – think of it as an extra reason to pamper yourself!
You’re 9 weeks pregnant, but just by looking at you, it’s likely that most people still wouldn’t be able to tell that there’s a precious baby growing in your belly. But there’s already so much happening inside! So many organs have developed, and many more are still under construction. At times you may feel more tired than usual, and that’s okay. Fatigue is one of the inevitable byproducts and signs of pregnancy – you’re fabricating a little human being inside you, after all!
The key word of this week – actually throughout your entire pregnancy – is water. Remember to drink enough of it every day. It helps maintain safe levels of amniotic fluid (the liquid that surrounds and protects your baby), plus it’s important for the healthy growth of cells.
Drinking enough water also helps your kidneys dispose of all your baby’s waste products in addition to yours. To avoid dehydration, increase your intake if the weather is hot or morning sickness has been causing you to vomit.
Just how much is enough? Approximately 1.5 to 2 liters a day should meet you and your baby’s requirements. But it’s best to consult with your doctor if you have special needs.
Remember, stay away from alcohol and limit caffeinated drinks - such as tea and coffee - which may end up over-stimulating you and your baby.
“I drank a beer when I didn’t know I was pregnant. Have I put the baby in danger?” It’s a common question, and a very real fear of women who’ve just found out that they were pregnant. If you had a beer or a glass of wine at a party before you realized you were expecting – there were no pregnancy signs to speak of – then you probably haven’t affected the baby.
However, you need to bring it up with your doctor so they can advise you on what best to do. Drinking while pregnant can increase the risk for miscarriage, fetal alcohol syndrome, and could lead to an underweight and/or premature baby. Be sure to steer clear alcohol for the remainder of your pregnancy.
Looking forward to week 10? Click here to learn what happens then.