Pregnancy 1st Trimester
Week by week

WEEK 3: Your Pregnancy Journey Begins
The journey to motherhood is filled with incredible experiences - and they're just about to unfold for you.
3 mins to read

WEEK 4: Getting Ready for the Ride
Almost one month already! So many exciting things are happening inside you this week. Read on to find out what they are - and for a sneak peek into how your baby's doing.
3 mins to read

Exciting Developments at WEEK 5
Though only around the size of a pea, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds! Read on to know what new developments are in store for you and your baby this week.
3 mins to read

Growth Milestones of WEEK 6
Your baby's growth is in overdrive right about now. So many exciting developments for such a tiny little being! Read on to find out what the milestones are this week.
3 mins to read

What to Expect at WEEK 7
You're at week 7 of your pregnancy stages, and by this time, your baby is 15 mm long - roughly about the size of the local fruit aratilis.
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WEEK 8: Milestones to Celebrate
Your baby is now about the size of a jelly bean, and weighs about as much!
3 mins to read

How to Stay Healthy at WEEK 9
You're 9 weeks pregnant, and your baby is now about an inch long - the size of an olive or duhat. Read on for an inside look at all the excitement that's unfolding within.
3 mins to read

Getting Busy at WEEK 10
You're now 10 weeks pregnant. Still another 29 weeks to go before you get to meet your little love. Learn more about what's going on this week.
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Here's What's New for WEEK 11
If you could look inside, you'd see thin little hairs developing on your baby's eyebrows and above the lip. It's just one of the many changes that are set to happen at week 11.
3 mins to read

Moving Up at WEEK 12
Now 12 weeks pregnant, you're coming to the end of your first trimester. Congratulations! Read more about this week's exciting new developments.
3 mins to read