Exciting Developments at 5 Weeks Pregnant
Though only around the size of a pea, your baby is growing by leaps and bounds! Read on to know what new developments are in store for you and your baby this week. Learn more about your baby's development at 5 weeks pregnant.
As early as week 5, your baby’s brain is already developing at a rapid rate! The two cerebral hemispheres – the portions of the brain that will make up the left brain and the right brain – have now emerged.
The overall face and “sense organs” are coming along too, with the outline of the eyes and ears, and the beginnings of a nose and mouth.
Excitingly, the pulmonary and digestive systems are also taking shape little by little. The heart of your baby has now developed enough that it is becoming more prominent – if you do an ultrasound at this stage, you will clearly see a heart beating!
Yup, there’s no denying it. A wonderful little being is starting to form inside the safety of your womb.
Now in the 5th week of your pregnancy, you might feel like something has changed. Many women can sense it, even at this early stage. Perhaps you’re feeling more tense or irritable than usual. This is caused by hormonal changes that can affect not just your mental state, but also produce physical symptoms of pregnancy. Breasts can feel fuller, and some women feel a pulling or even a little pain in the pelvic region, which is caused by intensified blood flow. All of it is normal and part of the incredible process of conception.
Chances are you’ve been feeling nauseous. At random parts throughout the day. Yes, sadly, morning sickness isn’t limited to the morning. Unfortunately, the nausea is an almost necessary step while your body gets used to all the changes going on inside it.
The good news is, there are some steps you can take that may help lessen it a little. First of all, try not to skip breakfast. It will give you the necessary carbohydrates to start your day in good shape and might help you fight off nausea.
You can also try splitting up your meals. Plan small snacks mid-morning and afternoon in addition to your 3 meals. Don’t worry if you lose some weight in early pregnancy due to morning sickness. Remember that it's only temporary. But be sure to drink enough water to stay hydrated at all times.
How can you know for sure if you’re really pregnant?
One of the first classic symptoms of pregnancy is when a period doesn’t arrive on time. By week 5, a pregnancy test can now reliably tell you whether there really is a baby on the way.
But to be absolutely certain, you need to visit your doctor. The earlier, the better! Not just because it will give you certainty, but also because it can reduce the risk of complications. A doctor can, for example, determine whether the fertilized egg cell has implanted correctly in your uterus wall. That doctor can also be your personal pregnancy calculator, giving you an estimate of when your baby is expected to arrive!
Of course, that’s not happening in the next few months just yet! It’s only week 5 after all, and there are still many pregnancy milestones to look forward to. To read about what goes on at week 6, click here.