Diaper Rash 101
Diaper Rash 101
Do your baby’s bottoms look red, sore, or irritated? Is baby masungit and iyakin lately? Learn more about diaper rash. It happens a lot but no worries, mommy - here’s how to get to the bottom of it!
Do your baby’s bottoms look red, sore, or irritated? Is baby masungit and iyakin lately? Learn more about diaper rash. It happens a lot but no worries, mommy - here’s how to get to the bottom of it!
What causes diaper rash:
- Your bunso gets soaked in her wet diaper too long.
- Baby’s skin is sensitive to her new brand of soap, detergent or baby wipes.
- Diaper roughly rubs against her baby bottoms.
- Your little one poos more often because of new food in her diet.
- Baby has diarrhea.
How to avoid diaper rash:
- Change baby’s diaper as soon as she poos or when it is soaking in urine already.
- Wash her diaper area well in running water between diaper changes.
- Make sure her entire bottom area is clean AND dry before putting on a fresh diaper.
- It may help to apply a thin layer of waterproof baby cream on baby’s diaper area.
- Make sure diaper fits comfortably - not too tight nor too loose as to rub against her skin.
- If diaper rash appears too sore, best to let baby’s bottoms air-dry without diapers during the day.
Often, by following the above easy steps, diaper rash is gone within 2-3 days! Consult a healthcare provider for more concerns about your baby’s diaper rash.
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