Baby’s Day Out
Baby’s Day Out
Here are some do’s and dont’s to remember when we bring bunso out on Pasyal Day.
No one is as excited as baby’s first pasyal as his mommy. Indeed, how kilig we are to see baby’s reaction to the new places we bring him to! But before this happens, we must get ready for this big day. Here are some do’s and dont’s to remember when we bring bunso out on Pasyal Day.
- Do make sure baby is comfy. When it gets a bit chilly, cover him up with a baby hoodie, mittens and thick socks.
- Do remember that the best time to bring out the sweet bulilit is after he finished his meal and had his diaper changed.
- Pack a baby bag complete with diapers, wipes, extra clothes and other stuff your little one might need.
- Bring a baby carrier or stroller so your child goes around in comfort and so you do not get tired from carrying him all the time.
- Always remember to have a hand sanitizer handy.
- Don’t go too far or stay out for a long time.
- Don’t go to a place that you are not familiar with.
- Don’t bring baby to a crowded area to avoid infectious germs.
- Don’t expose him to people who are sick.
- Don’t go out in the heat of the noontime sun.
- Never leave baby to the care of strangers, even for a short while.
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