Why Bonakid Pre-School® 3+ is Mom’s BFF Para sa Batang May Laban
Growing up milk, like Bonakid Pre-School 3+, can help boost your child’s Growth, Immunity, and Energy tulong para Laban-Ready sa Paglaki ng ating mga anak.
Know what kind of sugar to avoid in your child’s milk
Children who are picky eaters may not be getting a balanced diet and may be missing out on important nutrients
A Preschooler Parent’s Guide to Immunity
Colds and flu are expected for kids. Many pediatricians consider six to eight colds, flu, or ear infections per year normal.
Dealing with your gifted child’s emotional outburst
Learn how to help your gifted child deal with emotional outbursts and get an insight as to what makes them more apparent in gifted children.
Encourage Your Child to Dance with Confidence
One of the best ways to teach your bodily-kinesthetic gifted child to dance with confidence is to do it before an audience.
Keeping Up Their Immunity at Home? Find out How!
Keep up your child’s immunity at home with these helpful tips so that they can keep enjoying their time at home with you!
Proper Health leads to a Gifted Brain!
When a kid finds something that they are passionate about, it could become a real gift! That’s why we as parents do what we can to help them nurture it.
Parent Detectives: How well do you know your child?
There was a viral video, a few months back, of a side-by-side interview between moms and nannies who were asked questions about their child.
Spotting New Gifts in the Digital Age
The digital age has ushered in digital platforms and new ways to express creativity. Many traditional talents can manifest themselves in new ways.
The Importance of Double Immunity in the Journey Towards Modern Giftedness
We can only reach our potential when our basic needs have been met.
Wyeth Nutrition Milk MOS+: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient to Raise a Gifted Kid
Fortify your kid's immunity, so they have more opportunities to develop their brain and work on their talents.
What’s the Future Going to be Like for my Creative Child?
It's natural for parents to worry about their creative children's future. Many subscribe to the belief that a creative career doesn't pay much. However, that is not the case.
Incorporating Music in Family Time is Beneficial for Your Child
Music plays a vital role in your child’s brain development. It also helps them build closer relationships with the rest of the family.
Brain Development 101: The Golden Window of Opportunity and Its Importance
HURRY! You only have a few years to optimize your kid’s brain development. Here’s what you need to know.
PROMIL GOLD® Four launches Alpha-lipids range
PROMIL GOLD® contains alpha-lipids which aids in faster brain connections
Myelination: Stimulating Faster Learning for Your Child | Promil Gold
From conception to adulthood, your child’s brain is shaped by an ongoing collaboration between genetics and environment.
Your Child and His Multiple Intelligences
It’s a thrill for parents to see their children kids be able to count from one to ten, or recognize their letters and start writing their names, especially when they’re able to do so at a young age
Who are the AlphaKids of Today?
Everyone comments on how alert they are, how smart and how creative.
3 Tips on Raising an Independent Learner
Kids need the space to learn and grow on their own. Here are some tips to help your AlphaKid become more self-motivated and independent.
5 Best Apps for Kids to Nurture a Gifted Brain
This article provides parents with a list of applications that they can utilize to develop the minds of their children and make them fast thinkers.
6 Skills Your Kid Needs for the Future and What Moms Can Do to Help
To raise future-ready kids, parents shouldn’t focus on just academic skills. Instead, you should encourage your kid to be well-rounded and emotionally healthy.
Boost Your Kid’s Brain Power Now!
Give your kid the best foundation for success through these memory-sharpening tips and help them stay ahead.
Brain Boosting Foods, MOS to Add to Your Kid’s Diet
Proper brain nutrition is one of the most important yet sometimes overlooked factors in raising an AlphaKid. Find out which foods are best for your kid's brain's development.
Brain Games Help Boost Your Kid’s Mental Skills
The first five years of life are critical in establishing a person’s receptivity to the rigors of learning and overall brain development.
Building the Memory Muscle: How to Help Your Kid Improve His Memory
Developing your kid’s skills and talents is dependent on what he is able to learn and, more importantly, retain.
Brain Games and Activities that Improve Your Kid's Concentration
Lack of concentration skills can affect your kid’s reception to learning in the long run. Check out this article for enjoyable activities to improve your kid’s ability to focus.
Helping Your Preschooler get Ahead – Brain Activities That Boost Development
Kids grow up so fast that sometimes you can barely keep track. Here's a list of milestones your preschooler should be hitting, and how you can help them ace the development checklist.
Help Your Kid’s Gift by Advancing a Gifted Brain
Get your kids on track to become high-performing adults by investing in their brain development early. Here are some tips to start raising your kid!
The Importance of Providing the Best Brain Nutrition for Your Kid
Give your kid a head start with PROMIL GOLD®, our only milk with breakthrough brain-boosting α-Lipids (Alpha-Lipids).
Why Play is Essential For Your Kid in Stressful Times
Check out this research-backed listicle of ways that play can ease tension and promote a more positive outlook for kids, particularly as the “post new normal” has upended their more carefree way of
Everyday habits to boost your kid’s brain development
From reading, to giving them room to play and harness imagination, a lot of routine activities provide opportunities to engage a kid’s senses and develop the brain.
How To Make Sure Your Kid Eats a Balanced and Healthy Diet
A balanced and healthy diet for your kid is vital for their development. Here are pointers on their diet.