Help Support Your Kid’s 4 Developmental Brain Milestones

How PROMIL® Enhances Your Kid’s Brain Developmental Milestones

How PROMIL® Enhances Your Kid’s Brain Developmental Milestones

Jan 29, 2024
4 mins

PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® help support brain development, giving your kid the best start in life.

During the first five years of your kid’s life, the brain develops more than at any other time. This brain development in early childhood significantly affects your kid’s learning ability, especially their memory, language, focus, and problem-solving skills. Proper care and nutrition are crucial for developing these skills. One way to ensure your kid gets the right nutrition is by providing them with the appropriate growing-up milk.


Support your kid’s brain development with PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold®

PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® from Wyeth Nutrition® are advanced milk formulas designed to provide proper nutrition for kids aged three to five years when combined with a balanced diet. Both PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® are formulated with clinically proven nutrients to improve brain development markers, including memory, focus, language, and problem-solving. These milk formulas are specially designed to bring out the exceptional in your kid.

PROMIL Gold® is a clinically proven formula designed to enhance brain development in early childhood. Its Nutrigift Advance™ blend contains Alpha-lipids that promote a crucial process called myelination, which enables faster and more efficient brain connections.

Supporting myelination with PROMIL Gold® can improve your kid’s cognitive and behavioral functions, such as language development1. These claims are backed by research. In an MRI study conducted on infants, PROMIL Gold® was clinically shown to increase myelination by up to 36%.1

Besides brain-boosting Alpha-lipids, PROMIL Gold® also contains DHA, which supports brain and memory development, and HMO (2'FL), which supports a healthy immune system.

Meanwhile, PROMIL® is the only growing-up milk formula with more DHA* and MOS+. Both are crucial for your gifted kid’s overall growth and brain development during their early childhood. 

MOS+ (milk oligosaccharides) is a type of carbohydrate that contains Sialic Acid, which facilitates the transfer of information between neurons in the brain. Studies have shown that supplementing with Sialic Acid can improve brain performance, making it crucial for supporting your kid’s memory and learning abilities.2-4

MOS+ has also been clinically proven to promote growth and provide immunity benefits. When kids consume milk with MOS+, they receive numerous health advantages, such as a lower risk of infection when exposed to bacteria or viruses.5 Less sick days mean more chances to learn.

Both growing-up milk formulas have Choline, which helps improve memory and thinking skills, and Lutein, which helps protect the eyes from damage, leading to faster visual and cognitive development. 

Both PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® contain no added sucrose and have essential fatty acids that support language, memory, focus, and problem-solving.

With these two brain-boosting formulas, you can give your kid the best start in life. PROMIL® and PROMIL Gold® can give your kid the best nutrition while you focus on nurturing your kid’s gifted brain.


Test your kid’s focus, memory, language, and problem-solving skills!

How do the brain-boosting nutrients mentioned above positively impact your kid’s brain? This February, you get the chance to witness your gifted kid’s brain in action with the Gifted Brain Visualizer by Myndplay at the PROMIL® Gifted Brain Room. 

The Gifted Brain Visualizer is a non-invasive EEG headband that is research- and science-based. It shows the real-time activity within the brain, allowing you to see which parts of your child's brain are activated as they perform various tasks that test their focus, memory, language, and problem-solving skills.The device is functionally proven and tested and safe for children aged three years and above.

Myndplay is a UK-based company that is grounded in brain research. The Myndplay platform was created to help users improve attention, meditation skills, and the ability to overcome mental obstacles through entertainment, simulations, and guided training applications. 

Myndplay is also a provider of brain and emotion-based research studies, custom app development, and experiential services for major brands and organizations all over the world. They run collaborative research projects with hospitals and academic institutions. 

Keep checking the Promil Website and other official social media channels for more updates on how to join the Gifted Brain Room. 


*vs. previous PROMIL formulations


  1. Pujol J, Soriano-Mas C, Ortiz H, et al. Myelination of language-related areas in the developing brain. Neurology 2006, 66;339-343.
  2. Khalid, S.K.A., Abd Rashed, A., Aziz, S.A., & Ahmad, H. (2019) Effects of sialic acid from edible bird’s nest on cell viability associated with brain cognitive performance in mice. World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5(4), 214.
  3. Sakai, F., Y. Ikeuchi, T. Urashima, M. Fujihara, K. Ohtsuki, and S. Yanahira. 2006. Effects of feeding sialyllactose and galactosylated N-acetylneuraminic acid on swimming learning ability and brain lipid composition in adult rats. Journal of Applied Glycoscience. 53(4): 249-54. doi:
  4. Scholtz, S.A., S. Gottipati, B.J. Gajewski, and S.E. Carlson. 2013. Dietary sialic acid and cholesterol influence cortical composition in developing rats. The Journal of Nutrition. 142(2): 132-5. doi:

Estorninos et al. Term infant formula supplemented with milk-derived oligosaccharides shifts the gut microbia closer to that of human milk-fed infants and improves intestinal immune defense: a randomized control trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 115, Issue 1, January 2022. Pages 142-153,

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