Myelination: Stimulating Faster Learning for Your Child | Promil Gold

Myelination: Stimulating Faster Learning for Your Child | Promil Gold

Myelination: Stimulating Faster Learning for Your Child | Promil Gold

Aug 1, 2023
4 mins

From conception to adulthood, your child’s brain is shaped by an ongoing collaboration between genetics and environment. In early childhood, 100 trillion connections are formed, and it is through these connections that information and messages pass.

The speed at which these messages is transmitted is enhanced by phospholipids that comprise around 20 percent of a highly specialized lipid membrane called myelin. As essential building blocks that help boost brain development, phospholipids are a key component of ALPHA-LIPIDS — a breakthrough nutrient that promotes faster and more efficient transmission of messages in the brain through a process called myelination.

During this critical process, your child becomes better equipped to navigate the fast-changing world, learn important skills, and retain knowledge so he can become successful as an adult. Here are amazing ways myelination benefits your child’s brain development.

1 Myelination builds a strong foundation for your child’s brain structure. While a newborn baby already has all the neurons needed until adulthood, it’s the connections between the nerve cells that enable fundamental motor and sensory skills. During the first few years of your child’s life, more than a million new synapses are formed every second — the fastest and most dynamic phase in his brain growth. Made possible by myelination, this stage establishes the basic architecture and function of the brain — creating a lifelong impact on your child’s physical, emotional, and social development.

2 Myelination increases the amount of information processed in your child’s brain. Within two years, myelination takes place in the cerebral cortex where most information is processed. The pace at which your child can accomplish mental tasks is a significant factor in cognitive development. When the production of axon-covering myelin accelerates, nerve signals travel faster through the brain’s neurons. Quicker processing speed contributes to higher levels of intelligence in the long run. Sharp memory, as well as reading, arithmetic, and verbal skills are only some of the abilities improved through myelination.

3 Myelination advances communication and social skills. Scientists have determined a major contributor in learning: the serve-and-return interactions between children and their parents. When your child gestures, babbles, or cries and you make eye contact, talk back, or give a hug, synapses are formed and strengthened in the brain. Responding appropriately to your child at an early age establishes an environment where communication is encouraged and his needs are well-provided.

4 Myelination promotes a smooth connection between cognitive, emotional, and social capabilities. While genes form synapses during myelination, your child’s interaction with his environment fine tunes his brain and helps it choose which pathways to keep or eliminate in a process called pruning. As an extremely interrelated organ, the brain’s diverse functions work hand-in-hand through stable nerve connections. Proper stimulation strengthens these, so the more frequently your child applies an idea or skill, the deeper that knowledge becomes ingrained in his brain. Your child forms and gets rid of synapses at a rapid rate, making early childhood a critical phase for learning.

5 Myelination lessens the risk of learning and behavior problems, as well as physical and mental health issues. Early in your child’s life, the brain is most flexible to adapt to a wide range of neural changes caused by different interactions. But as it develops to accommodate more complex functions, it becomes less capable of restructuring to adapt to new or unexpected situations. For example, the parts of your child’s brain that differentiate sound are becoming partial to the language he’s been exposed to. At the same time, it begins to lose the capacity to understand sounds from other languages. When the brain is extremely flexible, it’s easier and more effective to shape its architecture into an active, information-processing tool. This wires the brain into absorbing all the knowledge and stimulation that will enable your child to perform and behave better in school and at work as he matures.

A well-rounded child has the potential to become great, and it’s in your hands to raise them to become even greater. Myelination is essential because not only does it increase the limits of signal transmission in early childhood, it also promotes the connectivity and networking capabilities of your child’s brain for faster learning.

Aside from adequate stimulation, part of the care you can give is proper nutrition. The new PROMIL GOLD® FOUR is now enriched with the breakthrough ALPHA-LIPIDS, which contains the five major phospholipids, including Sphingomyelin, proven by recent studies to help enable fast and organized connections in your child’s brain by up to more than 100 times. Give PROMIL GOLD® FOUR together with a balanced diet.

Nourishing your child physically, mentally, and emotionally helps him advance into an adult who can make a wonderful difference in the future.


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