Pregnancy 3rd Trimester
Week by week

Say hello to your 3rd Trimester at WEEK 27
Welcome to your third trimester! Just three months to go before you say hello to your little one. But before you do, there are still so many exciting developments to look forward to.
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Your baby and you at WEEK 28
Your precious darling now weighs about 1.2 kilos, about a third of the average birth weight.
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WEEK 29 is about to get exciting!
Just imagine, you'll be giving birth in about ten weeks! As you inch your way towards the finish line, your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds, maybe even fluttering the eyes open.
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It's WEEK 30! Here are the highlights
Every day, your baby develops more and more, getting ready to make a grand entrance into the world! Do you think you'll miss being pregnant?
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Getting ready at WEEK 31
As the big day approaches, your precious darling is starting to turn upside down, getting into the perfect position for birth. What a smart little baby!
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The many surprises of WEEK 32
Your little sweetheart is getting ready to meet you!
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How WEEK 33 changes you and your baby
In just six weeks, you'll finally be able to meet the tiny human being that's been growing inside you all this time. Amazing, isn't it?
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Slowing Down at Week 34
This week, all the action inside your belly starts slowing down a bit. That's because the sweet bun in your oven is close to being cooked!
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Preparing for Week 35
In about a month, your little bundle of joy will make the big transfer from your tummy into your loving arms. Until then, there's still lots of perfecting and fine-tuning going on inside you.
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How to Flourish at Week 36
At Week 36, your baby hasn't stopped growing yet! The little bundle of joy is now about 18 ½ inches long and weighs roughly 6 pounds.
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An Inside Look at Week 37
Whew, it's getting a bit crowded in there!
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Week 38's Baby Updates
Believe it or not, there's only two more weeks to go! Are you ready to meet your little one's acquaintance?
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The Wonders of Week 39
By this time, you might have felt a few contractions already and been wondering if that was "it". Don't worry, there's no way you're going to miss the start of labor!
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A New Journey at Week 40
Any moment now and you'll be meeting your baby for the first unforgettable time! If the little one hasn't arrived yet, expect the sweetpea to make an appearance anytime over the next few days.
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