Getting Back In Shape After Pregnancy
Spare tires around my tummy, wobbly thighs and arms like a wrestler ? No way…and no excuse, not even because I just gave birth! It's time I get into a real effective weight-loss plan and serious exercise routine to put me back in tiptop shape.
You know naman all the basic fitness guidelines by heart, ‘di ba ? Eating healthily, reducing quantities, doing a little sport. But here’s what you are thinking --- Easier said than done! No worries, with a little motivation and a lot of good advice, your body will be back in fighting form again!
- Don’t go on a crash diet. It will not work and will not provide lasting results. Besides, going on a dramatic cut in calories by eating less especially when breastfeeding will not enable you to produce quality breastmilk.
Best to estimate the number of kilos you need to lose, pero be reasonable. Ideally you should aim for the weight you were before your pregnancy, with an additional one or two kilos.
- Don’t launch headlong into daily gym sessions. Remember - your body has just been put to the test during pregnancy and birth. So before getting back into shape, give it a few months of rest. It can only be beneficial for your future exercise program!
Better to wait for when you have had a period again before getting back into the swing of things. Hinay-hinay lang.
- Don’t give yourself a deadline. Setting a time limit can be very frustrating. Some women lose weight in a few weeks, others in over a year. That’s because each woman is different! Don't follow celebrity moms who regain their figure in a flash. Many of them do crazy diets or undergo special treatments. Losing so much weight in so little time is bad for the health.
Bear in mind that if you are breastfeeding, this will naturally help you lose weight gradually because breastfeeding burns calories. Yan ang good news!
- Losing weight is impossible without a balanced diet. Eat a variety of food and in reasonable quantities. Start with the number of meals. Never skip meals. Have 3 to 4 meals per day. A calm, stress-free ambiance when dining prevents hunger pangs and the risk of giving in to calorie-rich foods!
- Select vegetables (steamed or boiled, with a light seasoning of olive oil and no fatty sauces) for their vitamin and fiber content. Make fruit a part of your diet, but have no more than 3 servings per day.
- As for proteins, prefer white meat (veal, pork tenderloin), poultry (without the skin), fish, and lean iron-rich red meat such as beef tenderloin or rump steak.
- Dairy products contain calcium. Prefer the low fat versions (cottage cheese and natural or fruit-flavored yoghurts). Enjoy a slice of cheese, 2 or 3 times a week.
- Get a reasonable quantity of carbohydrates for lasting energy. When trying to lose weight, avoid sweet and fatty foods such as cured meats, ready meals and pastries. If you have sweet cravings, try an apple and a glass of sugar-free soda instead of a cake. You can, of course, indulge your sweet tooth occasionally and in small portions to keep you motivated.
- Drink plenty of water, herbal teas and sugar-free soft drinks. Avoid alcohol and drinks with a high sugar content.
If you feel that this is too difficult to do and think you need help, you may contact a dietician who will help you adopt the right attitude with a personalized nutritional program.
- Combined with a healthy, balanced diet, physical activity will help you lose weight. Start easy muna by walking or swimming. Once your childbirthing scars have healed, you can go back to your energetic gym class or Sunday marathon training. Walking is actually one of the easiest ways to get into a postpartum exercise routine. Avoid activities that will put major stress on your joints like running, jumping or jogging.
- Try not to over do it and don't forget to rest. Tandaan --- effective training comes more from regularity than intensity. Two sessions of 20 minutes tummy crunches per week are more effective than 2 hours intensive exercise per month!
- Don't forget to pamper yourself --- anti-cellulite massages at the nearby spa, firming treatments at the beauty salon. Pleasure and well-being are compatible! Every mom deserves to be beautiful!
Co-written with RND REINA BORLAZA